Category: Credit Cards Tips

Start Your Credit Journey on a Solid Foundation: 5 Reasons to Get a Secured Credit Card

In this blog post, we'll look at how a secured credit card might help you establish or improve your credit score. A secured credit card, with its minimal entry requirements and credit-building features, can help you develop good financial habits and build a great credit history. Whether you're just starting out or seeking to enhance your credit, our top 5 reasons to get a secured credit card can help you lay a solid foundation for your credit future. So, if you're ready to maximize your credit, keep reading!

Avoiding Credit Card Debt? Preventive Medicine is Best!

Credit card debt is one of the most widespread financial problems throughout many countries of the world. The convenience of using credit cards, combined with the special offers, discounts and reward systems offered by the credit card companies make this method of paying for goods the number one favorite for hundreds of millions of people. However, irrational spending or simply [...]

Accepting Credit Cards Offers Over the Phone

There has been a huge growth in the number of cold calls, and unsolicited offers that people receive on their home and business phones. The process can be very intrusive and frustrating and is the subject of a growing number of complaints. Many of these calls come from phone companies, especially mobile phone providers but they are also for new [...]

7 Options To Consider When Taking Out A New Credit Card

How many times have you taken out a credit card based purely on its current interest rate or balance transfer option? You may be surprised to note there are at least 7 elements worthy of consideration when you take out a new credit card. To judge a new credit card on just one or two options could easily result in [...]

5 Ways You Can Avoid Costly Credit Card Late Fees

Credit card late fees are a fact of life for some consumers, but they don’t have to be for you. Legally, credit card companies can hit you with pretty much whatever fees they want. On the other hand, you don’t have to pay them, but only if you avoid them in the first place. Here are four sure fire ways [...]