
Are You Credit Worthy?

Having good credit is essential in todayís world. Acceptable credit will generally get you what you want, but bad credit can be the kiss of death. If you want a house, you need a mortgage. If you want a car, youíre likely going to take out a loan. Anytime you apply for credit, the lender is going to pull your [...]

Avoiding Credit Card Debt? Preventive Medicine is Best!

Credit card debt is one of the most widespread financial problems throughout many countries of the world. The convenience of using credit cards, combined with the special offers, discounts and reward systems offered by the credit card companies make this method of paying for goods the number one favorite for hundreds of millions of people. However, irrational spending or simply [...]

Accepting Credit Cards Offers Over the Phone

There has been a huge growth in the number of cold calls, and unsolicited offers that people receive on their home and business phones. The process can be very intrusive and frustrating and is the subject of a growing number of complaints. Many of these calls come from phone companies, especially mobile phone providers but they are also for new [...]

A Love/Hate Relationship: How your credit score can open and slam doors for you

There are many ways to get ahead financially: attend seminars where you cut up your credit cards with hundreds of other people, participate in debt consolidation services that help you take out a home equity loan or refinance your home, or you can transfer debt on one credit card to another credit card with an introductory rate of 0% (which [...]