Tag: #creditscoreimprovement

5 Easy Steps to Credit Repairs

There is an unfortunate stroke of luck and you have engrossed yourself neck-deep in bad credit. Credit repair seems to be the need of the hour. You need a dolphin-jump to free yourself from the shackles of bankruptcy and you are out of ideas. You are loaded with bank notices and warnings. How do you handle this stressful bad credit? [...]

5 Easy and Quick Ways to Improve your Credit Score

Your Credit Score is one of your biggest financial assets. If your credit score is high, your borrowing rates will be low and therefore save you hundreds of dollars. The big mystery is how to maintain a high credit score. Well if you want to either maintain or repair your credit score, you are in luck, it can take as [...]

5 Common Credit Score Myths

Your credit score is an integral part of your financial life. It is important that you understand what it’s all about. Lenders, landlords, insurers, utility companies and even employers look at your credit score. It is derived from what’s in your credit reports, and it ranges between 300 and 850. Yet, according to a survey that was recently conducted, nearly [...]

4 Steps to Creating Good Credit

As a consumer you have learned the importance of establishing a good credit rating with your lenders. Whether you are shopping for a new home or auto, or searching for the best deals on insurance, your creditworthiness will be judged by your credit rating or credit score. A bad credit history or bad credit habits will place “black marks” on [...]